Under the Facility Management, Soft services include the provision of services that are variable in nature and helps in making the premises a better place to work/reside.
Our SHF Housekeeping Service is responsible for the cleanliness, maintenance of area. We follow scientific and specialized profession in the hospitality industry. We belief, Good housekeeping is not just keeping the areas clean but it is the result of cleaning it with the correct knowledge and right techniques. Our Cleaning service includes a physical act of removing dirt, grime, and stains from an area. It also includes vacuuming, dusting, and other acts that are meant to make a room or area look good.We have a professional experience and capabilities to manage details of large and complex organization at a cost effective price with Regular service that keep an organization running smoothly.Good housekeeping reduces illnesses and injuries and promotes positive behaviors, habits, and attitudes.A clean and tidy business space leaves a good impression on both its employees and its visitors.
We offer Panty services for our client, as per their requirement under that the trained and educated personnel handle the tasks that related to Day-to-Day Operation of Pantry. SHF Pantry Boys will do the pantry job i.e. Preparation of tea & coffee and serve the same to Manager level staff, Office staff etc. Apart from that, our SHF Pantry Boy will also serving water; snacks etc. as per the instruction of Office In-Charge from time to time. Some Basic tasks include handling vending machines, dish washing machines and various other mechanical gadgets & also emphasis on hygiene of all the utensils.
SHF Pantry services filled with experienced industry professionals also allow us to better manage places like guest houses, where our staff can be placed 24 hours a day. Our qualified team of Pantry Executives are groomed with etiquettes, warm manners and above all absolute hygiene standards.
SHF /Our Guest house management services help you to focus on essential matters like business development and client acquisition by taking care of your housekeeping and maintenance services.
We give assurance of a comfortable stay and a delightful experience to all the guests visiting the guest house & also the Professional staff work in the housekeeping and pantry section to fulfill the guests’ needs and requirements.
Warehouse Management is all about tracking of Inventory, exactly where & how much is stored and what items need to be shipped also equally importantto maintain the Hygiene to keep our inventory safe.
Here,weare providingintegrated management solution for keeping eye on, all this activity and help you to build up the business.
1. Warehouse Staffing
We do Provide Staffing services to warehouses for Management purpose & also do recruiting, training and retaining employees as per the requirement, on the behalf of Organization. Partnering with us will help you to wave off your burden of administrative task so that, you will have time to/can focus on core activities
2. 2. Cleaning service at warehouses
As we know, Area of Warehouse is huge & get dusty easily. Therefore, we must maintain a cleaning schedule, to clean our warehouse at regular intervals. This will ensure that our stocks are safe and the employee working in the warehouse are in a safe environment.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance sanitation and hygiene to human health and well-being. Good hygiene is the first line of defense against COVID-19 and other viral diseases.Cleaning occurs before sanitation. While cleaning we remove organic matter as well as grease, oil and proteins on surfaces. This makes it easier to sanitize surfaces. During sanitization, we uses chemicals which are Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic, Non-Alcoholic, and are very safe for humansthat can kill microorganisms and germs left behind after cleaning.